Our labels are done
Thanks to Eleanor at Kick and Screen, we've got some really nice care labels printed up, and a screen with a squeegee and ink to keep on trucking with, and try out all sorts of different fabrics. These care labels will be sewn into the lining, as a third pocket, and signed by the maker with a date and place written in as well.
The Australian Flag, in Event Horizon
Event Horizon is not a bad film, but few seem to have seen it. It flopped when it came out, but has apparently become a bit of a cult film now days. Hit the Bay and grab it, it's worth seeing.
Smoke em if you got em
A fine bit of Australian film right here. Smoke em if You Got em, 1988. Good to see the Peak Oil Company gear features prominently throughout ;)
The Care Label
We've been thinking about the care label that is required in garments. The tag that says where it was made, out of what materials, and what the washing instructions are. True to our design principles, this label has to be multi functional and DIY-able. So...
Stralya day
Yeah well, happy stralya day you lot, remember it was an invasion, on a very old people, by people sent in unhappy circumstances.
Open source design: The jacket design is settled
If people take the pattern and design and improve it for other purposes, then the expectation is they'll let us know, and share the new design back, under the Share Alike condition of the copyright license we're putting on this.
From family tent to jackets and bags
We stopped by East Warburton last week, and bought an old canvas family tent. We knew it was beyond repair for its original purpose :( but grabbed it for its recyclable canvas.
Indigo of Ryukyu
Inspired by this video from Soph, describing the Ryukyu process of indigo dying.
Swags for the Homeless, Backpack Bed
It's a good idea to try and integrate a bed and shelter into a backpack. We think everything you carry should have multiple functions, and be as simple as possible.
Kanga tales, skin, ventile and oilskin
The kangaroo tales and skins arrived today. Up from Tasmania. We're looking forward to using this unique product in the jackets we're making for recent orders from the UK and Alaska!
Smile treck, Winston Fiore
Google Maps recently posted an add using Winston Fiore's epic trek around South East Asia, raising money for cleft surgery.
Tim Hetherington 'Diary' 2010.
Photographer of war and conflict, Tim Hetherington has compiled an expressive video representing his work over 10 years. "Diary" on Youtube or Vimeo.
Zoje the machine had been hard at work since she arrived. Here's photos of Leigh prototyping something out of red ventile and grey canvas.